LSPopupEditor Graphical Litestep Popup Editor Copyright (C) 2006 Larax
Important! Current version (0.9-beta) should be used for creating new popups and then exporting/importing them rather than importing your current popup definitions from files created manually - that's because LSPopupEditor parser can have problems with some types of commands, especially xPopup commands.
I'm planning to rewrite the parser and make it more flexible, so it won't have problems with importing complex popup definition files created outside LSPopupEditor.
LSPopupEditor is a graphical popup editor for Litestep. With this tool adding new popups and changing existing one is very easy - popup file content is presented in a tree, where you can add/delete/edit elements, move them up/down, cup/paste into new location and then export into a well-formed file.
- Import popup definitions directly from .rc file
- Export content into a well-formed .rc file
- Content displayed as a tree
- Add/Edit Popups, Folder, Entries and Separators by filling dialog boxes
- Move elements up and down in tree
- Cut and paste elements into new location
- Last opened/saved .rc filelocation stored in registry
Newest version is 0.9-beta

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